Google Call Tracking

Call Tracking
Using Tracking Numbers for
Local Search
Analytics-Improve ROI

Phone Call Tracking Software Services

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Call Tracking Software - The In's and Out's

Call Tracking NH, Call Tracking Services in NH, Google Call Tracking Serving NH

Inbound Call Tracking Software - Why Do I Need It?

Call tracking provides you with the data that shows which marketing campaign is driving your calls to your business. If you don’t track, you don’t know. If you don’t know, you might not be tracking up to 80% of your conversions.

Calls to your business can be from search, social media advertising, chatbots, display advertising, email marketing or other types of paid ads. If you are running multiple campaigns, it’s critical that you know what is producting results and what is a waste of your hard earned money.

In order to understand and make improvements to your marketing strategies and return on investment, call tracking will allow you to understand clearly what is working and what isn’t. You will then be able to determine what strategy is creating the most interest in what you have to offer, the prospects behaviors and how your web presence can influence those behaviors.

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Live Call Tracking Software VS Optin Forms

One way is with optin forms. Most websites will have contact forms and will automatically add them to a CRM or auto responder. The same can be done with chatbots. Personally, I would have both the optin form and chatbot on your website. See which one prospects interact with the most and tie them both into a CRM and/or auto responder.

In most cases, however, people will pick up the phone and call, especially when it’s an emergency or they just want to get someone scheduled for a service call. In most cases, your conversion rate will increase 10-15x over that of an web form.
However, if you don’t have staff or a system in place to answer those calls, then that lead could be lost. Many service based small businesses don’t have the staff or an answering system to service those prospects, leaving your business vulnerable to substantial income loss.

In our case, when we develop properties to drive leads to your business, they will have a call tracking number on them. In the case of driving traffic to your website, we use analytics to see the volume of traffic that your site is receiving.

FAQ About Call Tracking To Improve Your ROI

To track calls from different sources, like a Facebook ad, adwords ad, or even an email campaign, you can use dynamic number insertion.

A phone number is assigned to each campaign. The prospect will see different phone numbers, but when they call, they are all forwarded to your business number. In most cases, these campaigns will have it’s own landing page, where the phone number assigned to that campaign will show up. Anytime someone uses that number to call your business you will know where the call came from.

Over the past few years, Google Adwords has expanded its capabilities to track calls with call extensions or call only ads, Google phone number provisioning and call tracking and more.

Call tracking gives you that missing piece of information so that you can evaluate each campaign so you will know which one is providing you the best return on investment.

Mobile ad spend is increasing at a fast pace due to the growth in use of mobile phones, and has proven to be a highly profitable medium.

There are 4 out of 5 purchasers searching on their mobile phones before purchasing, it’s no wonder that the growth in ad spend for mobile keeps accelerating.
52% of users who click on a PPC ad (Adwords) still end up calling the advertiser and PPC phone leads are 3x likely to convert.

All of this data is invaluable to the businesses running their ads and need to be able to capitalize on these trends through the growing use of mobile.

Conversion rate metrics should be in a complete call tracking system. Phone calls typically have between a 30-50% conversion rate. 75% may come from mobile phones. Now you can trace those calls back to the campaign and/or ad that was run.

Once the calls come in, you can follow a potential customer through the system, what action was taken. Call recording allows you to monitor the conversation between the staff and the prospect. You can then analyze the employees ability to answer questions and tactics to convert the prospect.

Too many unique numbers can give to Google bad information who may in turn penalize your website.

Limit your phone numbers, and don’t use them in your directory listings, only the actual phone number for your business.

Yes, our call tracking service, tracks the call history, their location, the time they called, what campaign it’s linked to, and a recording of the call.

Our call tracking solution generates unique phone numbers that we can assign to your different offline ads, content, direct mail, different websites (such as the rank and rent website). They you can track the call volume coming is from each of these unique numbers to understand the performance of each marketing source.

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